A Socialist Feminist Fighter for Your Rights
Ruth has been on the right side of history - active on all the issues in this area since the 1990s. An active Councillor from 2003 to 2014, and a TD from 2014 to 2020, Ruth lived as a workers' TD on a worker's wage, assisting countless workers to get organised. As a TD, Ruth moved Bills to ban evictions, introduce objective sex education and a Bill that led to fur farming being banned. Ruth was a leader of campaigns against the introduction of bin charges, the household tax and of the anti-water charges campaign. Ruth played an essential role in the historic winning of abortion rights in Ireland through the pressure she exerted in the Dail and as an activist with ROSA - Socialist Feminist Movement. She is a member of the local "Stand Against Genocide in Gaza" group which protests regularly in Blanchardstown. She is currently part of Ruth is a teacher, member of ASTI, ROSA and the Socialist Party and lives in Mulhuddart.
She is running as a local election candidate for Fingal County Council in the Castleknock Ward, alongside John Burtchaell who is a councillor for the Mulhhudart ward, and Aoife Coppinger who is running in the Ongar ward.
Ruth - fighting on the key issues
- Against the profiteering causing the cost of living crisis, and advocating for workers / unions to fight for wage increases. Tax the super-rich to fund supports.
- Standing against the genocide in Gaza alongside activists from Dublin 15 and around the world
- Campaigning for disability rights and protesting against the government's Thatcherite green paper that would tier people with disabilities into various categories.
- Challenging the teacher shortage in local schools resulting in subjects and learning support dropped and our children's education undermined. A campaign group has been formed.
- Standing against sexism and gender-based violence, and against the backlash being experienced by the LGBTQIA community and particularly the rights of trans people.
- Demanding the state build social and affordable housing and that any residential development in the Blanchardstown Centre must include 50% social and affordable.
- Overcoming the ongoing rip-off of estate management fees, including taking legal action for residents in Castlecurragh.
- Organised a community stand-out against racism of 300 people in Ashtown in January, in response to the attack on homeless migrants.
- Convened an Anti-Racist Network as a way for ordinary people to stand against the divisive approach of the far-right in our diverse community.
- Organised a demonstration in Dublin to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of Savita Halappanavar. Ruth is working with others to call for a permanent monument to Savita.
- Ruth and ClIr John Burtchaell actively support workers in struggle - they consistently supported sacked Debenhams workers in their 406-day struggle.
To help our campaigns or to get Ruth elected text "help" out 087 745 3732